Many people make New Year’s resolutions to achieve a more organized, happier and healthier lifestyle for ourselves.
Because we are so caught up in our own hectic routines, we sometimes fail to see that our pets also need the same resolutions…
Hypothetically, let’s take a look at some concerns through the eyes of a pet…
“I wish my Mommy and Daddy come home soon…I don’t like being home alone so long. I wish I could get out of this crate so I can pee. My legs hurt. I want to play…
After a busy day of work and other obligations, pet owners arrive home to be greeted with wagging tails, unconditional love and anxious enthusiasm for parental acknowledgement. It is truly important to remember they have been sedentary in your absence and need the love and attention that they deserve.
We all love our furry babies however; even when we think we are doing the best we can for them, there can be inconspicuous results from potential neglect.
The ramifications can be detrimental to their health. Is your pet obese, have liver and kidney problems, behavioral problems and other health challenges? How did they get that way?
Along with your love, all pets need to have regular physical activity and a regimen of proper nutrition. Once you apply this, these creatures of habit will adapt more easily than a human. This can actually enable pet owners to stick to their own resolutions for themselves as well for a healthier lifestyle.
Regular exercise such as walking or running with your pet and games of fetch are a must. Proper grooming is also very important, specifically for the eyes, ears, teeth, and nails.
Healthy treats, along with naturally unprocessed foods, herbs and clean air and water are essential.
Our main message here is that disease free longevity starts with a healthy lifestyle. We only have control of our air within our confines via purification. Same is true of our water. The greatest impact we have is through the foods we feed our pets. We control it! Let’s make the best of it.
Let’s play mad scientist. For 1-4 weeks, try putting out 3 entrees for your pet, what they currently eat, cooked real food and raw real food. Did their eating habits change? If so, what food did they migrate to? Remember that all these foods should be at the same temperature (room).
All creatures including us and our pets are anatomically and physiologically unique. When we examine these characteristics, it gives us the insight as to how the body will perform and the types of foods that are required. Our pet dogs and cats are carnivores. Their digestive systems do not produce enzymes that break down carbohydrates and metabolize them properly. The inappropriate foods cause the body to treat this digestion in an unnatural way that creates challenges like diabetes, pancreatitis, allergies and gastric issues.
Let us help you get your pets from challenged to healthy and then on to optimal. There are many blogs here with healthy tips and subjects that will further your understanding and knowledge of what your pets’ real needs are. Let’s make this the year of the healthiest pets!
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